The Jewel of the pacific Huatulco is a coastal paradise with crystalline waters. You’ll find the people there very hospitable, allowing you to discover this destination’s great culture, art, international cuisine and natural wonders.

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Discover Huatulco
Discover Huatulco's 9 sparkling bays and 36 beautiful beaches on Mexico's Southern Pacific Coast.
Huatulco Map
Find your way around town while you orient yourself to the area. The Huatulco map is meant to be used only as a reference to find your way around the tourist zone.

Things People Said
About Huatulco

" Huatulco is the cleanest resort
I have seen anywhere"

" The scenery is natural
and incredibly beautiful"

" The people are so friendly and not one single timeshare salesperson"

" The chances of certainty of sunshine...100%"

" Huatulco is the Mexican experience we were hoping for and so much more"

Green Grobe Huatulco
Huatulco has achieved the prestigious Green Globe Benchmarked Certificate under the new Green Globe Certification program, which recognizes the operation’s commitment to operating at the world’s highest environmental standard.

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